Safar Academy has honed it’s Islamic Studies syllabus over the last 15 years from stories of the Prophets to 21st Century life. They have been shaped not only with and Islamic Theory, and Modern Educational input, but importantly practical feedback from teachers and students across the UK.
Key Features

Part of a curriculum
Islamic Studies series is that it is part of a curriculum composed of four parts, which cross-link with each other. The other three parts being Tajwīd, Memorisation and Arabic

Cumulative Knowledge
The series aims to cumulatively build children’s essential Islamic knowledge, cultivate good character and instill God consciousness.

Core Subjects
Elements from all core subjects are covered in this book: Qurʾānic stories, Islamic tenets of faith (ʿaqīdah), religious rulings (fiqh) and major episodes from the life of Prophet Muḥammad, as well as areas of personal development, in an age-appropriate manner.

Extensive References
All textbooks contain extensive references from the Qurʾān and aḥādīth and all stories are always built only on material from Qurʿān and ḥadīth.

Fully illustrated
The full colour and illustrated editions have been developed to ensure that it is enjoyable for children as well as being comprehensive and reliable.

Clear Lessons
Special attention has been given to ensure that the content is not only relevant to children but that the lessons and morals are also comprehendible and engaging for each age category.

Cumulative Learning Path
All books in the series follow a cumulative learning path; a solid practical knowledge base is built before theoretical concepts are added and expanded upon.

Schemes of Work
Each textbook comes with schemes of work and also has a workbook with two tiers of assessment, based on Bloom’s Taxonomy of learning objectives.

Practical Lessons
Practical lessons have been clearly marked to ensure that different learning modes are utilised during teaching

Clear Themes
To ensure gradual and logical progression, textbook lessons have been grouped into themes as well as containing Safar’s own week structures.

Reinforced Learning
Central elements, such as God consciousness and manners are constantly revisited throughout the series to ensure broadening of knowledge as well as reinforced learning..

All the textbooks contain sections dedicated to core revision as well as revising key concepts and content from the previous year.

Accompanying Workbooks
Workbooks have questions designed to encourage thought, expression and connection with the teaching material.
Want to know more about the Learn about Islam Series? Check out the FAQs here.
Sample Islamic Studies Textbook

See our full collection of textbooks and workbooks now!
Learn about Islam Series
Islamic Studies Textbooks
Islamic Studies Textbooks
Primary Textbook
Islamic Studies Textbooks
Islamic Studies Textbooks
Islamic Studies: Textbook 4 – Learn about Islam Series – single